Epic: On the Dying Winds...


EPIC is your new HQ for Realm’s exhilarating action and adventure stories, with new episodes dropping every Monday introduced by host Faith McQuinn. Embark on your greatest adventures yet, whether it’s crash landing on a desolate planet with only a cerebrally-embedded AI to guide you, or realizing that your latest game design is the only thing staving off total global annihilation. So unsheath those earbuds, clench that steering wheel, and buckle up because EPIC is about to take off. This month, we are featuring On the Dying Winds of the Old year and the Birthing Winds of the New: in this fantastical world, the territories of The Hundred bow to a tyrant King Anjihosh - all except one. Bronze Hall refuses to be ruled with an iron fist and, until now, has upheld its stance against the King. But there is a rumor that the King has placed a spy in Bronze Hall. And one person means to find them: Mai, the King’s ex-wife, will do anything to stop him from achieving ultimate control. On the Dying Winds of the Old Year and the Birthing Winds of the New is a Realm production, written by Kate Elliot and performed by Rachel Fulginiti. Listen Away. read less

Our Editor's Take

The Epic podcast is a collection of adventure stories. Its host is storyteller Faith McQuinn. In the golden age of podcasting, audio fiction is making a comeback. Lesser-known writers can showcase their work, and voice actors are in higher demand than ever. Audio production is a key component of good audio fiction. It provides the soundscape behind the dialogue, setting the right mood. In this podcast, all these components create captivating stories.

Each season of Epic introduces podcast listeners to a new tale. The writers and the cast change with every story. The only thing that stays the same is the exciting pacing. Many stories are set in imaginary universes or in space. The Vela is the story of a refugee who wants to return to her home world. Her quest takes her to the farthest reaches of the known universe. In Marigold Breach, a man and his AI companion land on an unknown planet. They do not remember how they got there. In Gods & Lies, demigods and nymphs walk the earth, and humans wield magic. A murder investigation points to a god as the perpetrator, but no one accuses the gods of murder.

Epic stories aren't all set in faraway places. Set in an alternative American Wild West, Bullet Catcher is the story of a young girl named Imma. She dreams of becoming a bullet catcher. Her dream turns into a deadly feud with the man who might have killed her brother. Ctrl-Alt-Destroy is the story of a young woman who designs a game to escape from her dreary life. She finds herself at the center of a geopolitical storm that could result in the doom of humankind. Remade tells the story of a teenage crush and its consequences.

The voice actors in the Epic tales are a draw unto themselves. Jameela Jamil and Manny Jacinto of The Good Place act in Marigold Breach. Summer Glau of Firefly, veteran voice actor Robin Miles, and magnificent newcomer Inés del Castillo also contribute.

Lovers of audio fiction might find a treasure trove in Epic. People new to the genre might find themselves a new podcast to love.

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