Adeptus Ridiculous

Dec 11 2024 • 1 hr 3 mins


Humans desire power, be it power over themselves, their fellow men, or the world around them. The Ruinous Powers exploit this desire with Dark Pacts and unnatural gifts. Sorcerers, in turn, seek to increase their capacity for warp-craft by creating items designed to draw upon the power of the warp directly, without the need for extended rituals. Some go a step further, calling forth servants of Chaos and binding them into physical cages to create daemonic weapons of great and terrible power.
Occult artifacts come in many shapes and sizes, ranging from rings engraved with esoteric symbols to great malefic engines designed to channel warp energies for often unguessable (but certainly malevolent) purposes. But no matter their appearance, these items reek of the malignant forces contained within and must be handled with great care. As it is often said, all power corrupts, and the power of the warp is both vast and subtle, more than willing to lead anyone foolish enough to think they can master it down the road to his own self-wrought ruin. Still, there are those who try, often with results as destructive as they are spectacular.
The Ordos Malleus seeks to either destroy (if possible) or seal away occult artefacts when it encounters them. Possession of such an artefact is taken to indicate complicity with Chaos and will result in sundry execution. Some Inquisitors, however, feel the best way to fight the forces of Chaos is to try and beat them at their own game; these Radicals seek to master occult artefacts (even daemon weapons) for their own use. While effective, this is a dangerous path to tread, for direct association with the powers of the warp will change a man, and never for the better.

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