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Mona Paulee
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1. The Most Happy Fella: I Don't Like This Dame
Mona Paulee & Susan Johnson
2. The Most Happy Fella: She Ain't Gonna Go No Place
Robert Weede, Mona Paulee & Susan Johnson
3. The Most Happy Fella: Young People
Robert Weede & Mona Paulee
4. The Most Happy Fella: How Beautiful the Days
Robert Weede, Jo Sullivan, Mona Paulee & Art Lund
5. The Most Happy Fella: Dialogue: Step back, everybody
Jo Sullivan, Robert Weede, Mona Paulee, Art Lund & The Most Happy Fella Ensemble
6. The Most Happy Fella: A Long Time Ago
Robert Weede, Mona Paulee & Shorty Long
7. The Most Happy Fella: Dialogue: Oh, hallo, Marie
Robert Weede, Mona Paulee, Betsy Bridge & The Most Happy Fella Ensemble