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Buckfast Abbey Choir
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Ave Maria: First Vespers of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Buckfast
Album • 2020
Top Songs
1. O lux beata Trinitas (2)
Buckfast Abbey Choir
2. Lustris sex qui jam peractis
Buckfast Abbey Choir
3. Veni Creator Spiritus
Buckfast Abbey Choir
4. Conditor alme siderum
Buckfast Abbey Choir
5. Lucis Creator optime
Buckfast Abbey Choir
6. Te lucis ante terminum
Buckfast Abbey Choir
7. Jam Christe sol justitiae
Buckfast Abbey Choir
8. Vexilla regis prodeunt
Buckfast Abbey Choir
9. Audi benigne Conditor
Buckfast Abbey Choir
10. Pange lingua gloriosi
Buckfast Abbey Choir
11. Jam lucis orto sidere
Buckfast Abbey Choir
12. Aurora lucis rutilat
Buckfast Abbey Choir
Top Albums
1. Ave Maria: First Vespers of the Solemnity of Our Lady of Buckfast
Album • 2020
2. Gregorian Chant: Music of Paradise
Album • 2017